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Sunday, November 29, 2015

My Favorite Quotes - Entry #4

“There but for the grace of God go I”
John Bradford ~1550

          According to tradition, this phrase (or something like it) was first spoken by John Bradford (circa 1510–1555) when he was watching criminals being led to the scaffold.  John Bradford was an English preacher who was martyred in 1555.  It’s not clear that he really said these words, but that doesn’t really matter to me.  The point being made is that God’s providence puts us in the situations we are in.  Or, to put it another way, we all have the capability to really mess up our own lives, and we shouldn’t feel so superior to anyone else.  We could be in their situation.
          I try to live with this kind of thinking in mind.  Specifically, when I hear about someone who did something really awful, or made a really bad mistake, I try not to think with the judgmental attitude that “well, I would never do anything like that.”  I think we all have our struggles, and none of us is perfect.  I struggle with some things that others don’t, and they struggle with things that I don’t.  That doesn’t make either one of us better than the other – we are all equal.
          Personally, I think you will be a better, kinder, more understanding person if you understand the depth of the meaning of the Bradford quote.  Too many people in this world are harsh toward other people.  They are too judgmental.  The world can benefit from a little more graciousness.  
I’m not saying that we should excuse the wrongs of others.  And we certainly shouldn’t excuse our own wrongs.  But we are all in the same boat:  guilty and helpless.  To be helpless is to be helpless.  Does it really matter whether some are more helpless than others?  I don’t believe it does.  
          Christians are sometimes the most judgmental people around.  I think that is wrong and tragic and sickening.  Of all people, Christians should be the most compassionate and kind.  Why isn’t that always the case?  I don’t know, but I wish it weren’t so.
          This does not mean that we should relax our moral standards to accommodate our failures.  This does not mean that we should reward everyone equally or that we should stop punishing those who make bad moral decisions.  Evil people should be punished for the evil they do – but that includes those of us who just haven’t been found out yet!  The problem is, when we recognize our general human tendency to fail, particularly in moral situations, it often results in a bit of compassion on our part.  But it’s kind of a false compassion:  we want to forgive others because we know that we do, or might do, the same wrong thing and we don’t want to be harshly punished for it.  Eventually, as we follow that path in its downward spiral, we start pushing the boundaries of what is morally acceptable because, deep down, we want to feel acceptable when we stray a bit.  Although it’s nice to be forgiven, it’s even better to be told that what you thought was wrong is actually ok.  Eventually, if nothing is wrong, then we can all feel good about ourselves.  That’s a tragic end, in my opinion.  But that’s a topic for another conversation.
          Jesus is reported as saying “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone” as a crowd gathered around a woman caught in adultery.  In Jesus’ day, no one cast a stone – they all walked away.  Today I feel that there would be those who would still pick up a stone and start throwing with all the anger they could muster.  But there would also be those who would look Jesus in the eye and say “how dare you call her a sinner.”  I don’t want to be part of either group.  I don’t feel I’m perfect enough to put others down, but I also don’t feel I’m smart enough to redefine what is right and wrong.
          I think we all have moral blind spots and need help.  But when the morally-blind lead the morally-blind, we are all in trouble.  And, in my personal sampling of the human race, none (0%) have been found to have 20/20 moral vision.  Therefore, in my opinion, our only hope is to gain help from outside the human race.

          Well, I’m sure this quote will spark a few more discussions down the road.  But, for now, consider what it really means:  “there but for the grace of God go I.”

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Free Will #6 – Free Will Experiments – Soon et al., 2013

Note:  subsequent to my writing of this post, an excellent scientific paper has been published that makes many of the same arguments, but does it much better.  The paper is by Brass et al., 2019, and I highly recommend reading it if you are interested in this topic.  You can find it [here].  They also present a very interesting model of decision-making that I'm sure will be the topic of some future posts!

         As I discussed in my previous post on this topic, it seems that free will should be observable in the neuron and therefore should be testable.  I’m not the only one to think that way, and in the last few years a few researchers have attempted to design experiments that would test this concept.  I find the experiments to be very interesting and creative, but, unfortunately they fall short of the goal.  I think it is worth discussing here what some of the difficulties are in some detail.  This post is going to have to be longer than most.

          The most commonly referenced paper on this topic is Libet et al. from 1983, but I would rather review in detail a more recent paper:  Soon et al., 2013 “Predicting free choices for abstract intentions.”  It’s an interesting experiment and illustrates many of the basic principles and basic difficulties with this type of experiment.

          The basic principle that is put forth in these papers is that there is activity in the brain that precedes the conscious awareness of “free will” decisions that we make.  The implication is that freely made decisions are not really free – rather, they are the result of earlier unconscious processes in the brain that determined the decision.  Ultimately, what these researchers would like to say is that our decisions are made unconsciously and therefore determined by other brain processes, thus supporting the idea that free will is only an illusion.[1]  Of course the popular press loves that, and is quick to jump to conclusions about the meaning of the research.  Well, I don’t think it means what they think it means!

          First, I’m going to have to explain the methods used in the paper in a bit of detail so that my comments make sense.  The paper itself is freely available at Pubmed, and if you have interest in this topic, it is worth reading the original paper.

          The attempt in this research was to try to get subjects to make a “freely made decision” involving abstract thought.  Previous published experiments of this nature usually involved a task that required physical movement.  Movements involve a certain amount of pre-planning in the brain and the investigators wanted to separate the abstract decision from the brain activity involved in movement.

          In the experiment, subjects were shown a screen with a few numbers on it and one letter in the center.  The screen changed once every second to a new set of numbers and a new letter.  As the screens would move past, the subject was to randomly decide at some point that, in the subsequent screen, they were going to either add or subtract in the screen that followed.  They had to remember the letter that was on the screen when they consciously decided they were going to add or subtract.  The next screen gave them the first number (a single digit) and then the third screen gave them the second number along with four answers and they had to pick the correct one that corresponded to either the addition or subtraction problem.  Then, a fourth screen appeared that had four letters to choose from and they had to pick the letter that was on the screen when they decided to either add or subtract.  That completed one test, and then the process started over again.  One annoying thing for me is that I could not find anywhere in the paper that described how many trials each subject did.  Knowing the number of samples is critical in trying to understand the detailed results and the statistics presented.  Maybe I missed it somewhere in the paper – otherwise it seems like a pretty glaring omission that peer-review would have caught.

          There was a screening process for subjects to make sure they met certain criteria (more on that later) and then 22 subjects completed the real test.  They were positioned in an MRI machine that could scan their brain activity every two seconds.  I won’t go into the details, but there is a method of brain scanning developed a few years ago that shows the areas of the brain with the highest relative activity.  So, the researchers searched across the entire brain to see if there were regions of the brain that had activity related to the decision to add/subtract and the timing of that decision.  Then, since they knew when the subjects were conscious of their decision (based on the design of the test), they looked at brain activity up to eight seconds prior to the conscious decision point. 

          It’s a fairly complicated procedure to determine whether activity is correlated with the decision made, but in the end they found two areas of the brain that had activity that predicted the impending decision with around 59% accuracy.  Practically, this means that you could query this area of the brain and ask “is the person going to make a decision to add/subtract?” and the activity of the area could be analyzed to predict yes or no with respect to an upcoming decision in 59% of the cases.  Note that if you knew nothing you should be able to predict decision or no decision with 50% accuracy.  Nonetheless, 59% is statistically significant, meaning that it is highly probable that the predicted activity really was correlated with the decision and didn’t just happen by chance.  This predictive activity occurred 2-4 seconds before the person was conscious of their decision.  The implication is that some area of your brain knew of the decision before “you” did, thus showing that the decision was not really “free” but was determined by unconscious brain activity.

          I will quote their conclusion here just for completeness before diving into my review of this paper:  “To summarize, we directly investigated the formation of spontaneous abstract intentions and showed that the brain may already start preparing for a voluntary action up to a few seconds before the decision enters into conscious awareness. Importantly, these results cannot be explained by motor preparation or general attentional mechanisms. We found that frontopolar and precuneus/ posterior cingulate encoded the content of the upcoming decision, but not the timing. In contrast, the pre-supplementary motor area predicted the timing of the decision, but not the content.

          First, I’m going to make three general statements and explain their impact on the understanding of the results of this experiment and similar experiments, then I have a few specific comments that would be more like comments I would have made if I had been a reviewer of this paper.

          1.  It’s not clear to me that “consciousness” and “will” are the same things.  The key assumption in these types of experiments is that we are conscious of the will’s decision at the moment it is made.  I’m not certain that such an assumption is valid.  I don’t have any data to prove the correlation one way or the other, but since free will and consciousness are both somewhat nebulous and hard to define, it seems like a bit of a leap to think that they must be perfectly correlated in time.  Isn’t it possible that your will begins to act on your brain before you are conscious of it?
          About the only example I can bring up here is to consider the common phrase “go with your gut.”  What do people mean when they say that?  Physiologically it doesn’t make a lot of sense, yet we all know what is meant by that phrase because we experience it.  Sometimes we know what we need to do right away – almost unconsciously it seems – and yet sometimes we are hesitant.  So people say “go with your gut” because there are times where it almost seems like working through a conscious calculated decision is just not warranted or can even lead us to make the wrong decision.  To me, this indicates that sometimes our will is active before we are conscious of it.  Of course, for those of you who are determinists, you’ll say that this common phrase is as close as we usually come to realizing that every decision we make is pre-determined by our ongoing brain activity.  Possibly.  The point is – who knows?  And until we know, I find it hard to draw firm conclusions from these types of experiments about free will.  To be fair, I don’t think the authors of these papers make this direct connection in their papers – I think it is usually the things written later about the article that make this claim because such a claim is a bit more sensational.
          Along with this issue is that it seems to me that it is particularly difficult to pinpoint when you are conscious of a decision.  Subjects in these studies have to have some way of marking the time point when they are conscious they are making a decision.  I find that conceptually difficult.  How do you really know?  How accurate can you really be?  Seems to me that an error of a few seconds is certainly possible.

          2.  The tasks in these experiments are basically random, not necessarily decisions of the will.  To be honest, I’m not sure how else they could do these experiments.  But I would say that the influence of free will in the human mind and brain is fundamentally different than making random decisions.  I tried to illustrate that a bit with my entry on the “Turing Test with Numbers”.  The difference between a random number series and a series determined by the “will” is hard to identify.  Further, how do human beings make random decisions anyway?  My hypothesis is that the process for picking random numbers is different than the normal process for making decisions.  I would not expect our free will to be involved in the selection of truly “random” decisions or actions.  I kind of figure that we must pick random numbers in a manner similar to the way computers pick random numbers – they have to find some kind of electronically noisy process that has apparent randomness in it.  If so, then we would use some neurons who are tuned to fire or not fire based on small differences in the random fluctuation of ions at the nerve membrane.  I don’t know if this is true or not, but I really don’t see why we need our free will to make a random decision.  If our random decisions are really pre-determined by various brain circuits, that would not bother me at all.  And it has no impact on what I consider free will.

          3.  The will is a weak force.  When determinists argue against free will being a separate influence on the brain, they seem to imply that the will takes over all of the brain’s activity and is the overwhelming influence over what happens.  I don’t see it that way.  I think most of what we do, and most of what the brain does, is essentially composed of physical, material reactions and responses to various sensory inputs.  Essentially, I would say that we are primarily acting on complex reflexes that are fine-tuned by the will.  I think we can go through our day pretty mindlessly doing the things we need to do without involving the will much.  In many cases, I would say that the will’s influence is very subtle.  Frequently I think our will is entirely masked by these reflexes.  Why do we do things that we say we don’t want to do?  We intend to do good things, but then we make bad decisions.  Sometimes in these cases I would say we are driven by our habits and passions, and the will is completely pushed aside.[2] 
          The implication of the will being a weak force is that when we try to experimentally identify it, it is very difficult.  We end up trying to measure a very small signal riding on top of a huge signal, and that is very hard to do.  We are trying to pick out subtle neural activity in the midst of huge networks of coordinated neurons being driving by prior neural inputs.  Fundamentally, this is why I think an experiment demonstrating whether or not we really have free will is extremely difficult to conduct.
          Related to this issue is the method used to identify brain activity.  fMRI is used to identify this activity based on a parameter called BOLD.  This parameter correlates to the use of energy within the neurons.  When neurons are more active, they use more energy than they usually do, and that can be measured.  But this type of measurement requires that there are a large number of neurons in a specific region of the brain that become highly active during any specific time period.  You can’t pick out the activity of a few neurons with this method.  Subtle changes would be lost.  Also, unique activity in broad regions of the brain would not show up here either.  An analogy might be trying to determine where I work by observing the rush hour traffic patterns in Cleveland.  That might predict where a lot of people work, but I happen to work south of downtown (usually).  Others might not even go to work during rush hour times.  The BOLD parameter only picks up major activity and if, as I suggest, the will is a subtle force, it won’t appear in the tests being done using that method.  There are other testing methods used by other investigators, and I may get into those in the future.

Now for some more detailed considerations of this particular paper.

4.  It’s really hard to design an experiment that involves human behavior when you want to give them complete freedom to make a decision.  Experiments need to be well-controlled in order to draw conclusions, while free will decision-making is anything but well-controlled!  So, in this experiment they had to create some artificial constraints on people’s decision-making.  The primary way they did this was to have a screening test in which subjects performed the test (without the MRI) and their spontaneous performance had to meet certain criteria.  This means that the subject population that was studied was a selectively biased population.  Specifically, subjects had to “spontaneously” select about the same amount of addition and subtraction tasks.  The researchers needed reasonable numbers of both types of activity, but how do you guarantee that kind of distribution and still allow people to be “free”?  I don’t think the paper ever said whether the selected subjects continued to pick similar numbers of addition and subtraction tasks when they were in the MRI, but I assume that in general they did.  They do mention that they threw out the data for one subject who never selected a subtraction task in one run.  Obviously, they weren’t really free to choose!
The other thing that I think is even more problematic is that they only selected subjects who averaged at least 10 or more screens before they made a choice.  Thus, subjects who were naturally highly decisive were excluded from this study.  Thus, only subjects who pondered things a bit before “freely deciding” were selected.  Is it possible that “ponderers” have to mull things over before making a decision, thus partially explaining why they had brain activity before they were conscious of their decision?  The bottom line is that they had to evaluate a biased population.

          5.  The best prediction accuracy was about 59%, which is fairly weak and barely above statistical significance, given that by chance the accuracy should be 50%.  But, for an experiment such as this, 59% isn’t terrible.  But there’s some missing information that makes it difficult to judge this predictive ability.  Specifically, the average time for subjects to make a spontaneous decision was 17.8 sec with a standard error of 1.8 sec.  Thus, it seems to me that as time drags on, you can kind of predict about when a decision is going to be made.  Is it really spontaneous in that case?  It seems to me that I made be able to make a 59% prediction just by knowing which screen number the subject was on.  If my brain can predict it, then so can the subject’s!

6.  The activity predicts that a decision is going to be made (fairly poorly), but does not predict what the decision is actually going to be – add or subtract.  The individual is not really free to decide whether to make a decision – the rules of the experiment require that they eventually decide and the rules of practicality essentially require that the decision is made somewhere around 10-20 seconds after the start of each series of screens.  What seems much closer to spontaneous is add or subtract, but that wasn’t predicted by the brain activity.  Again, to be fair, you’d think this would be a pretty subtle activity in the brain and hard to pick out with fMRI methodology.

7.  The subjects had to remember the letter on the screen when they made a decision.  In my opinion (as one who has a bad memory) the anticipation of having to remember something requires brain activity.  In other words, you have to know before you see (or hear) something that it is something you’re going to have to remember.  Otherwise, you immediately forget it (at least that’s how my brain works).  Therefore, I think subjects would have had to do some preparatory brain work prior to seeing the screen where they made a decision, so that their brain was ready to store that letter in memory for about 3 seconds.  So, one hypothesis might be that the regions of the brain they identified were involved in preparatory memory activities, not necessarily in decision-making.  I know they compared the focused activity to general attention mechanisms, but it’s not clear to me that preparation for specific memory is the same as general attention.

8.  One thing this paper does show is that the decision itself and the timing of the decision appeared in separate parts of the brain.  If the will acts at the level of neurons as I propose, this may suggest that the will acts in different areas in the brain and then those areas ultimately need to come together elsewhere in order for a decision to actually be made.  I relate these things to my personal experience (where, in these cases, I’m assuming that I experience what everyone else in the human race experiences).  Sometimes I’ve made up my mind about something, but I’m not ready to actually decide, so nothing happens “until I’m ready.”  The results of this paper might lend some weak credence to that…maybe.

Well, there’s a lot more to be discussed in the various papers in the literature.  The point is, disproving free will and proving determinism is going to be pretty difficult because the experimental design is conceptually very difficult.  I try hard not to be someone who critiques the work of others without offering an acceptable alternative.  I will have to present those ideas in a future entry.  But I hope, at the very least, that this helps you not get carried away by the headlines that say “scientists prove that free will is an illusion.”  They haven’t – and they never will![3]


Libet B, Gleason CA, Wright EW, Pearl DK (1983) Time of conscious intention to act in relation to onset of cerebral activity (readiness-potential). The unconscious initiation of a freely voluntary act. Brain 106(Pt 3):623–642.

Soon CS, He AH, Bode S, Haynes JD. Predicting free choices for abstract intentions. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Apr 9;110(15):6217-22. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1212218110. Epub 2013 Mar 18.

[1] I know:  researchers are supposed to be unbiased on not have anything they “would like to say.”  So far, every researcher I’ve met is a human being and, therefore, biased.  That includes me.
[2] Who “pushes the will aside?”  The will – what else could it be?  It’s not that weak of a force!
[3] Although it’s a little hard for me to prove that something will never happen!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Free Will #5 – The “Decision Neuron”

          In my previous entry on the topic of free will, I ended by saying that free will happens at the level of the neuron.  It’s probably more correct to say that free will should be apparent at the level of the neuron.  Anyway, that statement is surely worth further consideration.

          First, let me acknowledge a statement I made that I don’t think I can prove.  I said that “there is no thinking without neurons firing.”  I make that statement because I don’t know of any alternative hypothesis and there is no other physiological candidate for thought.  Therefore, I think it is a pretty good assumption, but I would be open to other alternatives.

          Second, what I want to consider here are the implications of free will with respect to the neuron.  The implications are important to someone like me, because I believe there is more to a person than material stuff.  I believe every human has a mind/soul/spirit[1] that is the ultimate source of decision-making, moral responsibility, and probably even consciousness and imagination.  But my belief – assertion even – has very important implications when it comes to physiology and I’ve never heard anyone address the issue.  So, I’m about to dive right in.

          As I have stated before, I think that free will is real and not just a figment of our imagination.  For the purposes of discussion, I use the term “mind” to refer to that entity where decisions involving free will are made (or at least initiated).  How does that happen?  Let’s start with an example.  I know I previously used the example of moving your hand to the left or right, but, to be honest, that’s a pretty lame example.  I’m not sure that kind of “decision” even requires a will of any sort.  Let’s use a more human example:  you go to an ATM outside a bank to withdraw money.  You type in a withdrawal of $60 and you hear the machine clunking as it counts out the $20 bills and you hear a lot more clunks than there should be.  When the drawer opens there is over $200 in there!  You take the money, complete the transaction and look at your receipt.  It states plainly that you withdrew only $60.  Bank error in your favor – collect $140!  This really happened to me – it happened to me back when I was a very poor graduate student.  In fact, it happened about two months after I ran out of money at the end of my first month in Cleveland and had to live on lemonade crystals for a few days before the next paycheck.  So, what do you do with the money?  Keep it?  Give it back to the back?  Leave it in the drawer?  This is a decision of the will.  This involves your mind.  Your character.  This is uniquely human, isn’t it?  I mean, what would a cow do in this situation?[2]

          For our purposes, we are not concerned with what is right or wrong here.  What I want to do is consider how a decision is made and carried out.  Let’s boil it down to an action.  When you pull out of the ATM spot after collecting the money, you can either turn right and into a parking spot so you can go into the bank, or you can turn left and on to the street to go on to whatever is next in your day.  How do you physically make that happen?  Well, your arms move across the steering wheel in either a clockwise or counterclockwise direction.  How does that happen from a physiological standpoint?  Neurons fire in your brain to direct other neurons to fire the muscles in your arms in the correct coordinated pattern.  It is quite complex, and involves the sensations your hands and arms feel from the steering wheel.  Some of the movement is modified in your spinal cord and in your cerebellum and, for the most part, you are not really conscious of all of those details.  Most of that movement is orchestrated by motor pattern generators in the brain – neurons that store information about the millions of times you’ve made that same motion before.  You push the button for “steering wheel motor pattern turn left” and the program runs without much conscious effort on your part, unless you decide to alter the pattern midstream.

          The point is, lots of neurons fire to make that action happen.  But notice the phrase “you push the button.”  Who pushes the button?  Somewhere in the brain, a decision has to be made to initiate either the left turning or right turning motor pattern.  I do not know whether that “decision signal” resides in a single neuron or in a network of neurons, but I do know this:  ultimately the decision has to be encoded in neuronal firing because that is the only way that the signal can be communicated to the motor pattern to your brain and eventually to the muscles in your arms. 

          My assertion is that the decision as to whether to go back into the bank or drive away is made by your will.  I say further that your “will” is “free” in the sense that it is ultimately up to the unique “you”.  You are responsible for the decision.  Lots of things factor into that decision, such as how poor you are at the moment and so on, but that does not change the fact that it is a decision nonetheless.  We can assign a moral value to your decision because it is truly a decision.  It is not random and it is not inevitable.

          What it all means from a physiological standpoint is that there must be at least one neuron in your brain that is influenced by your will (your mind).  As we have established before, neurons respond to the various inputs they get in one of two ways:  they either fire an action potential or they do nothing.  Let’s say in your brain that there is one neuron whose output initiates the “left turning motor pattern” and another neuron that initiates the “right turning motor pattern”.  These two neurons are mutually inhibitory, which means that when one fires, the other is inhibited.  This keeps your arms from fighting against each other and causing you not to be able to turn either way, and so you would drive straight ahead into the curb (you could kind of see how that might happen in this case, as you struggled to make a decision).  These two neurons have many different inputs from other neurons in the brain.  But when it comes right down to it, the tendency of one neuron to fire is enhanced by your will and the tendency of the other neuron to fire is not-enhanced by your will.  The decision is encoded in the two neurons.  It has to be.

          If you could zoom down onto those two single neurons and measure the inputs to each neuron, you would find that the firing of at least one of those neurons is not directly related only to its inputs.  The same set of inputs, given over and over again to that neuron, produces different results, and those results are not random.  This can only happen if there is another input to the neuron – an input that you can’t measure.  That “other” input is the mind.  At least that’s what belief in a mind comes down to. 

          In summary, our decisions are ultimately encoded in the neuron.  So, the connection between the material (physical body) and non-material (mind) has to occur in the neuron.  That’s why I called the neuron the “center” of the universe.

          I know my assertion is hard to accept at first.  For those who subscribe to a purely material universe, you laugh and say “I’m glad I don’t have to accept that idea.”  Instead, you are happier accepting the premise that free will is a figment of our imagination.  I can’t do that – I can’t accept that the most compelling thing that I observe in myself at every moment of every day – that sense that I can decide things – is a figment of my imagination.  For those who, like me, subscribe to some concept of a “mind” or “will” or “soul” or “spirit”…you probably haven’t thought much about the practical implications at the physiological level, so you’re probably saying “hmmm – that seems a bit crazy.”

          I will stop here for the moment, but I want to make two final statements that will be the topics of future entries.  First, note that in the scenario I’ve put forth, the mind is not the only thing that influences a particular neuron – it’s just one of many influences.  As a result, most of what we do – even our “decisions” – don’t require the will or are hardly influenced by the will.  Things we have done in the past, our environment, etc. etc. all have strong influences on neurons because these things are all stored or sensed by other neurons.  If anything, the will is a “weak force”.  This has a lot of implications when we observe human behavior.  Second, it would seem that my hypothesis should be testable since we have the technology to record signals from single neurons.  In the future I’ll talk about why such a test would be really really really difficult to do, if not impossible.

          OK – you can return to your originally scheduled thoughts!  Let those neurons fire away!

          P.S.  Oh – to complete the story – yes, I did take the money back to the bank.  The teller looked at me like I was an alien!

[1] For now, I am lumping these terms together to represent one concept.  Specifically, they represent the concept that there is something non-material that is part of every human being.  It’s easier, for the moment, to just use the term “mind”, but I’m sure I will have to come back to this topic at some later date.
[2] Well, I know for a fact that cows can’t count, so they would have no clue they got extra money.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

My Favorite Quotes - Entry #3

 “If we submit everything to reason, our religion will have no mysterious and supernatural element. If we offend the principles of reason, our religion will be absurd and ridiculous.”
Blaise Pascal, Pensées, 1669

          I thought I would pick a quote from the book I just recommended – Pascal’s Pensées.  Blaise Pascal lived in the 17th century (1623 – 1662) and was a French mathematician, physicist, inventor, writer and philosopher.  The quote above is one of many from his book that I could have picked, and I’m sure there will be more from this book in the future.

          I’ve had friends who would say “make sure you don’t check your brains at the door” when you enter a church.  They were making the point that you should use your brain when it comes to your beliefs.  They didn’t want to be swayed by some fast-talking or manipulative preacher.  I agree with them and I’ve always felt that it was important to keep your mind and reasoning abilities as a Christian.  I never wanted to be tricked or hood-winked into believing something that wasn’t true.  When someone sends me a story on the internet, I immediately check it on Snopes.  Then I try to check up on Snopes to see if they can be trusted.  Then, if it passes all of those tests, I put it in the bin marked “probably not true” – that’s the best I’ll give it.  So I agree:  to have faith doesn’t mean that you dump out your brains.  Believe only what is reasonable. 

          But the great thing about Pascal’s statement is the recognition that there are two sides to this issue.  I believe that Christianity is reasonable, but that does not mean that “reason” is the whole sum of my beliefs.  If your beliefs are against reason, then they are “absurd and ridiculous” as Pascal states.  But the balance to this is that there are some aspects of faith that go beyond reason.  They are supernatural.  If absolutely everything you believe is totally explained by reason, then what does God do?  Why do you even need God in that case?[1]

          You can’t prove Christianity through reason alone.  The best you can hope to do is show that it is reasonable.   I do believe you can show that it is reasonable.  However, having done that, it doesn’t get you to the true meaning of Christianity.  You have to go beyond where reason alone can take you.  Don’t give up on reason.  Follow it as far as you can.  But just don’t stop there.  [By the way, if you want to see where I go with that, check out the #1 Crazy Thing Christians Believe.]

Miracles fit perfectly into this kind of thinking.  A miracle is not “reasonable”, necessarily, but it is also not unreasonable.  I think Paul shows an excellent combination of reason and miracle when he says that Christ’s resurrection is the central point of Christian faith, and if Christ has not been raised from the dead, then faith in Christ is “in vain” (I Cor 15).  There is a logical aspect to this belief.  The historical aspects of Christ’s resurrection can be subjected to reason.  The centrality of Christ’s resurrection to Christianity can be subjected to reason.  But the resurrection itself is a miracle.  It is beyond reason.  You can’t sit in the corner of a room and reason your way to the resurrection.  It has to be revealed to you.

Don’t believe anything that offends reason.  That’s not smart.  But don’t confine your beliefs to reason alone.  That is dry and boring.  There’s more to life than that.  Not everything can be explained by science.  Music and art are not arrived at through reason alone.  There is a beauty to nature that is surely beyond reason.  Human emotions are surely real, and just as surely they are not always based on reason!  Allow yourself the opportunity to wonder and marvel.

I know that many will say “you don’t have to bring in the supernatural to experience wonder and awe at nature.”  That is true, and there are plenty of examples to support that.  All I am suggesting is that we not require of the supernatural something that we do not require of the natural:  that it must all bow to reason, and reason alone.  If the supernatural is there, do not miss the opportunity to experience it because you artificially confined it to a box that it can never fit in. 

[1] Some of course will say “exactly – why do you need God?”  But this particular quote from Pascal is written to those who already have a belief in God.  There will be more to come from Pascal for those who have already put belief aside.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Book Reviews and Recommendations - Entry #2

          You should read Pensées by Blaise Pascal.

          Yes, I am recommending a book written in the 1600s.  A book that isn’t even finished and wasn’t even completely assembled by its author.  A book that has never been on a bestseller list anywhere.  But if you have any interest in the discussion of science and belief, you should read this book.

          If you were like me, you might probably say that the name Pascal sounds vaguely familiar, but that is about all you could say about him.  Actually, for me, the name Pascal only meant one thing:  the Pascal programming language.  I spent a couple of years working primarily as a programmer during my PhD studies, and I programmed entirely in Pascal during that time.  It is still my favorite language by far – certainly better than BASIC or FORTRAN and, in my opinion, easier than C.  But my programming days are distant in my past and the only thing I remember from them is the name:  Pascal.

          Some would have heard of “Pascal’s Wager.”  The line of thinking described as Pascal’s Wager has to do with the probability trade-offs regarding belief and unbelief.  I won’t describe it here – it comes from Pensées – so if you read the book, you’ll read the passage about the wager in context, which makes much more sense.  Pascal’s Wager has made it into many popular works even today, but taken out of context it is easy to argue against.  When you read it in context, you find that Pascal already dealt with all the arguments that have been lifted against it.  You’ll also find that it is not the culmination of his thinking nor his most important contribution to the discussion of belief.  He has much more to offer.

          Pascal lived in the mid-1600s and died at the age of 39.  He was a French mathematician and philosopher.  Pascal might be more famous than Descartes, in my opinion, if only Pascal had lived longer (and if he would have been able to come up with some easily memorable phrase!).  Also, Pascal as a person and as a thinker can’t quite be categorized into a neat compartment.  Therefore, at some point in the book, just about everyone will come across something that they don’t agree with.  The scientists will say he is too religious.  The philosophers will say he is too much of a scientist and too practical.  The Catholics will say he is too Protestant.  The Protestants will say he is too Catholic.  Don’t get hung up on those things – just read it for its overall impact.

          Pascal was intending to write a book and had collected notes and ideas, but he had poor health and died before he could finish it.  No one really knows exactly how he intended to have it organized, and some of the sections are just bits of statements and unfinished thoughts.  But as such, it makes it kind of like a treasure hunt.  But you never have to read very far before you find another gem.

          One of the things you’ll find as you read this book is that “there is nothing new under the sun.”  The first time I read Pensées, I was amazed at how many contemporary topics were discussed by Pascal, writing almost 400 years ago.  Some of the sections of the book are so relevant that they could have been written yesterday, and, in my opinion, provide more insight on some topics than anything that is being written now!

          At the very least, reading Pensées should cure you of your “chronological snobbery.”  If you don’t know what that is, you’ll have to wait until you read one of my other upcoming book recommendations (hint:  from CS Lewis).  

Finally, Pensées is a book that is freely available – you can get it here:

or here:

or you can even get an audio version and listen to it in your car:

So you have no excuse not to read it! 

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Free Will #4 – The real “God” particle

          My knowledge of quantum physics is pretty weak.  All my training is in biomedical engineering, not physics.  When I learned about electrons, it was to use them, not understand them!  But in my old age I’ve tried to learn a bit more about that area of physics.  I’ve listened to courses on quantum mechanics and read some books.  Well, it’s not working!  All I figured out is that physicists get to come up with some pretty strange names:  quarks…gluons…charms.…those nerds!  That would not happen in medicine.  In medicine, everything is named in Latin and even common items are renamed with some obtuse word so that no one understands it.  But, anyway, even the popular press, in an attempt to understand quantum physics, picked up on the Higgs Boson and called it the “God particle” – although that latter name is certainly not something a physicist would come up with.

          Well, this morning I want to suggest that the real “God particle” is not the Higgs Boson; it is……the neuron.  Of course the neuron is not a particle, it’s a cell.  But I think it is the center of the material universe.  I’d like to make the argument, at least, that everything smaller builds up to the neuron, and everything larger breaks down to the neuron.  How’s that for a thesis?  Well…give me a chance to explain and then you can throw your darts!

          I mentioned the neuron in one of my first entries, because it is such a fascinating cell.  It is a living thing that transmits communication signals throughout the body.  Neurons talk to other neurons, who talk to other neurons, etc. through a complicated network.  If you want to do anything, you can’t do it unless a neuron – or more correctly a whole set of neurons – fire.  By “fire” we mean that the neuron generates an “action potential”, which is the electrical wave that is transmitted along the neuron, encoding information.  A very interesting and important principle of neuron firing is that it is “all or none.”  This means that the neuron can have only two states.  It is either quiet (not transmitting signals), or it is firing an action potential.  There is no such thing as a “half” action potential.  If you exert a more intense effort, it isn’t because the action potential in each neuron is bigger.  Intensity occurs when neurons fire more rapidly (more action potentials) or when more neurons fire, or both.  This “all or none” principle regarding the action potential is very important to my basic thesis about the centrality of the neuron.

          It is fundamental physiology that every movement you make results directly from neurons firing.  Muscles contract because an action potential travels down the neuron to the neuromuscular junction to the muscle fibers, causing them to contract.  When you make a movement, it can all be traced to the firing of specific neurons.  Cause and effect.  The same is true with sensations – neurons fire as a result of some sensory input, and the signal is transmitted to the brain, where more neurons fire and make it into your conscious perception.  If I could block the action potentials in all the neurons in your hand, you won’t feel anything when you touch a hot stove.  If I block all the action potentials to the muscles in your body, you won’t be able to move.  That is very basic neurophysiology.

          OK, simple enough.  Let me stop there for a moment and consider the central role the neuron plays in movement and sensation.  It comes down to the action potential, and the fact that it is “all or none.”  First let me use a sports analogy.  At the end of most games, you either win or lose.  A “1” is placed in the win column or a “1” is placed in the loss column.  Ultimately, there is usually a championship game, and the winner of that game is the champion.  That individual or team is 100% “the champion” and everyone else is 0% “the champion.”  As far as the status of “champion” goes, nothing else with respect to the details of the championship game or any other games matters.  There were lots of things that would have happened during a season.  If we’re talking about baseball, then every game would have had a few hundred pitches.  There would be clutch hits and great catches and a myriad of other plays in between, but in the end, if you ask “were you the champion?”, the answer is either yes or no.  [I live in Cleveland – so the answer is no.]

          How does that apply to the neuron?  I want to make the point that lots of things go on “in the background” that result in a neuron firing an action potential.  Molecules interact with other molecules.  Proteins unfold and fold up again.  Ions bounce around in a seemingly random path, occasionally travelling in and out of the cell.  Electrons move from one place to another.  And if you dig deeper, I guess you will find quarks doing their things and maybe strings playing tunes and maybe even “uncertainty principles” playing dice…and on and on.  My point is this:  everything from the molecule on down culminates in either one of two states for the neuron:  either an action potential fires (“1”) or it does not (“0”).  If an action potential fires, it travels down the axon to the next neuron, and that next neuron has no idea whether the first neuron experienced the movement of 1 electron or a billion electrons in order to make it fire.  All the next neuron knows is either “1” or “0”. 

          One more step back.  If every action in the universe is the result of previous actions, one thing people muse about is this:  if I knew the state of every atom in the universe, could I predict what would happen next?  Well, with respect to the movement of every living thing that has a nervous system, I don’t need to know anything about molecules.  If you tell me the firing status of every neuron, I can predict the movement (ok, yes, technically I can only predict muscle contraction – actual movement depends on additional factors).  That’s why I say everything sums up to the neuron.  And going from the top down, I can break a movement down into the individual muscle contractions, and then to the individual muscle fibers, and ultimately to the neurons firing.  So, therefore, I say that the firing of the neuron is the “center of the universe” when it comes to movements.

          Next I’m going to make a leap in logic that I will probably need to come back to at some point.  The leap is this:  consciousness, thinking, deciding, etc. share the same “neuron is central” property that movement does.  When we are awake and aware, we experience ourselves as ourselves.  We can think and decide.  We can daydream.  If those things are real, then they somehow represent the firing of neurons in the brain.  As I say elsewhere:  if a neuron doesn’t fire, does it happen?  There is no thinking without neurons firing.  There is no consciousness without neurons firing.  When all your neurons stop firing, you are dead.

          In summary, every sensation, every movement, every thought, every decision…boils down to the firing of the neuron.  And, with respect to all the things that make us uniquely human, those things are based on neurons firing and it is not necessary to know what goes on “below” that. 

          I told all that to tell you this:  if my assertion is true; and if there is such a thing as free will, then free will happens at the level of the neuron.

          And with that, I will leave you to your own thoughts - let those neurons fire away!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Free Will #3 Turing Test with Numbers - Part II

“Turing Test with Numbers – Part II”

Note: You should read Free Will #2 before you read this!

          In my previous entry, I proposed the following test to illustrate something uniquely human that computers cannot do (and I suggest, will never be able to do).  I wondered if it would be possible to create a series of numbers – digits – that are uniquely human?  I came up with a series that I thought might fit the bill.  I listed six series of digits, twenty digits each series, and one of the six series I claim is uniquely humanCould you figure it out?

Here are the number series:

A.  34123034323639550691

B.  12345678901234567890

C.  98832863158718824883

D.  14916253649648110012

E.  71828182845904523536

F.  04656464621583251630

          What’s the answer?  Well, first let’s eliminate the two easy ones:

B – That just the digits 0-9 in order, starting with 1.  If you struggled with that one, then you really are human!!

          Before I go on to the rest, did you try “googling” these number series?  I’m assuming that most advanced computers would do just that.  The amount of information you might gain is astounding and, at least to some extent, quite decipherable by a computer with an intelligently (i.e. by a human!) programmed algorithm.  Well, if you did google these, you’d find the following (at least this is what I found…of course if this blog gets indexed, then when you search, you might find this blog and be able to go directly to the answer.  This is a major problem that I discuss later in this entry.):

A.  No match found for this number.

B.  Lots of hits.  Not sure that this would be helpful to a computer or a human.  But again, this one was really obvious.  If you can’t pick out this pattern, what pattern can you pick out?  Again, the inability to identify this one would certainly be uniquely human.

C.  Google identified this as a possible Fedex package tracking number.  It is not.  Looks like no real matches were found.

D.  I found one matching page when I searched this.  That’s hard to do.  I remember there used to be a game where you tried to come up with a term that only matched on a single page.  The problem is that as soon as you post it, it is no longer on just one page!  Anyway, if you could read Japanese…or was it Chinese (?) … it might have helped you.  But again, this should have been a pretty simple series (like B).

E.  Of all the entries, googling this one should have provided some help in figuring it out.  This is one you either know immediately because you are a real math geek, or you would have a really hard time figuring it out without the assistance of google (or a friendly math geek to ask).

F.  No entries found.

          OK, what do we learn?

D.  Maybe not quite as easy as B, but this one would have been simple for any computer, and I think if you thought about it for a bit, you would get it.  1, 4, 9, 16, 25…it’s just the square of the digits starting with 1.  And, since these series only have 20 digits, the square of 11 is truncated in this series.  I wonder if that would throw off a computer?  Probably not.

E.  Well, maybe google helped you out here.  Or maybe you took the hint from the body of my previous entry when I talked about pi.  Now do you know it?  These are the first twenty decimal digits of the value of “e”.  If you don’t know what e is, don’t worry about it – you probably learned about it in algebra, but you have long forgotten.  Computers don’t forget.  I think this would be easy for a computer to identify.  If you are a real math geek, and decided that memorizing the digits of pi was too blasé, then you probably memorized this sometime in your past and you picked it up faster than even the computer could!  As for me, my memory never allowed me to memorize pi or e.  I would never have figured it out without google (except, of course, that I made up the test so I already knew).

          This leaves A, C, and F.  Google wasn’t much help for any of these, except that C happens to start with digits that must look like a FedEx number.  Are FedEx numbers random?  They must not be.
          I told you that two of the series are random, so you know that two of A, C, and F are random and the remaining one must be the “uniquely human” series.  Oddly, I will tell you that one of the random number sequences was taken directly from a random number table published on some website, so I was expecting that google would find it, but when I searched for those 20 digits, it did not come up.  There are probably more sophisticated searches that would find it.  For the other random number series, I just used a random number generator and came up with one number at a time and wrote it down, so that particular series would not necessarily be anywhere on the internet.  I couldn’t find it.  But you kind of wonder – at some point in the future, will every random series of 20 digits be on the internet and identified as being random?  Maybe – it’s feasible.
          You might be tempted to say that since C might be a FedEx package number, that would qualify as the “uniquely human” number.  Well, FedEx has nothing to do with it being right, but you would have a lucky guess.  Being lucky might also be uniquely human!  But, for the record, A and F are random number sequences, and unless I accidentally hit the one-in-whatever-astronomical-odds lottery, it has no pattern that could be identified by either man or computer.  They are both random. 

          So, that leaves C:  98832863158718824883

          C has a human pattern that requires creative thinking to understand.  Actually, for some of you, if I just tell you to “think outside the box”, you might get it rather quickly.  Can a computer think creatively?  If, by “creative thinking”, we mean the idea of coming up with a thought that has never been thought before, or a linkage that has never been made before, then I suggest that computers can’t do that.  I think computers could be programmed to “think outside the box”, as long as some intelligent person programs them to do so, but in that case computers would just be thinking in some bigger box.  I think computers cannot think truly creatively, and I also think that humans can.  Many of you would disagree with me on both counts!

          OK, I guess I have to tell you what C is.  I hate to do it, because doing so will completely void this version of the “Turing Number Test”.  That’s the problem – once the answer is known, then it is no longer uniquely human because of two things:  1) it’s now searchable on google; and 2) it’s now known by any number of programmers, who can easily modify any computer to “think” this way and recognize what C is.

          C is a sentence.  It is the sentence “Neat test of a sweet feat” with no punctuation.  It just uses the first letter of each digit when it is spelled out.  So, the digit “9”, spelled “nine”, is equivalent to the letter “n”.  I then took the further step of saying that if the pronunciation of a letter made the sound of a different letter, then that digit could also stand for the pronounced letter.  Thus, the digit “8” can be “e” (for “eight”) or it can be “a” because it is pronounced starting with the “a” sound (in English).  The digit “1” can therefore be “o” or “w”.  Anyway, if you work all that out, picking the letter associated with each digit as it makes sense, you get “NEATTESTOFASWEETFEAT”.  Actually, the last word is ambiguous, because it could also be “feet”.  But, in the context of the sentence and the test, would that makes sense???  Not to a human, I wouldn’t think.

          So, there you have it.  I don’t think a computer, told to evaluate a number sequence for a pattern (or lack of pattern in the case of a random number) would be able to identify series C as anything but random, whereas a human being can.  Would all humans figure this one out?  No.  And that doesn’t make them non-human.  My proposition is this:  if the entity you are communicating with can identify sequence C as a sentence, then the entity you are dealing with is human.  I would probably further propose that if the entity you are communicating with can’t identify sequence B as a pattern, then the entity you are communicating with is human.  You can’t use this test to confirm a computer, but you can’t use it to deny a computer.  I believe any human could pretend to be a computer, so just stating that C is a random number sequence doesn’t mean you are a computer.  But the point of the Turing Test concept is for a computer to fool a human into thinking it is human.  If a computer figured it out, then that would destroy my proposition, or at least destroy my version of this test.

          This type of thinking is largely what the MENSA testing evaluates.  Creativity.  How is it possible for computers to be truly creative?  I know that a computer could generate art or music and could, in a sense, generate a piece of art that would be unique in the sense that there would be no existing artwork exactly like it.  The same could be said of a two-year old human.  But a computer will generate art that is within a framework of rules and concepts, all introduced by a human.  Can a computer think up a new concept that has never been thought of before?  Can a computer, given knowledge of number sequences, decide to consider the starting letter and sound of the written digits to generate a puzzle?  Well, yes, of course if the human who programmed it gives it that ability.  Or gives it the ability to learn and find examples where humans have done just that sort of thing.  But I don’t consider that the same as original creativity.

You might argue that the first human who thought of the idea of using the first letters of the words of the digits to create a puzzle just based it on some of their past experience, and thus would not be that different from a computer, who would have learned it from the past experience of other humans.  But doesn’t that line of thinking assume then that the idea has always been around since the beginning of time?  Where?  Encoded in what or who?  I guess you would argue that it is an extension of previous things – so the idea itself has not always existed, but it was an extension of previous concepts (such as “thinking out of the box”) that previously existed – those things themselves being extensions of previous thoughts – back to some simple and obvious basic thought that started it all.  To me, that doesn’t solve the problem, it just makes it seem simpler – but if you start with no ideas, then the first idea, no matter how simple, is a huge step change in thinking.  To come up with the first “idea” is true creativity! 

All I can tell you is that somewhere back in history, a human being was the first to think “I could scratch a picture into a rock face, and thus record my experiences for the future.”  That is the ultimate in creativity, in my opinion.  The idea of writing, having never had any concept of writing before, is just mind-boggling.  And, to give you a taste of where I intend to go with this line of thinking:  I consider human creativity to be an “uncaused cause”, which makes them a true act of original creation!  But that is a discussion for the future.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Free Will #2

“Turing Test with Numbers”

          I’ve been working on some new entries related to the issue of free will, and it is really hard to know where to start.  There are so many inter-related issues and so many terms that are difficult to define and rather nebulous.  Yet, it is a ubiquitous human experience.  Even little kids can understand free will in the sense that they experience it themselves.  But, having experienced free will every moment of every day for the last 20,000+ days consecutively, I still have a hard time coming up with any kind of good definition, much less an explanation!
          Well, I thought I’d do something a bit fun with this entry, partly just to help me be able to dive in while I figure out how to structure this discussion.  I’ve always been intrigued with the “Turing Test” – the idea that Alan Turing put forth about machine intelligence.  Could a machine fool a human into thinking that the machine was human?  This issue is not directly in line with free will, but it seems to me that it might be a starting point for consideration.  I believe it is closely related to the issue of free will.
          Of course, first I must make a little editorial comment.  I kind of feel that humans are frequently not that hard to fool!  Machines could certainly fool humans in certain situations.  One of the things that humans tend to do is ascribe human traits to lots of things that really don’t have them.  It’s called anthropomorphism.  I know people who name their cars.  What kind of a thing is that?  Personally, I have no deep feelings for any car I’ve ever owned.  Of course the most obvious example of this is how we interact with our pets.  I think most pet owners ascribe pretty significant and extensive human traits to their pets.  At some point in these entries, I’ll have to address the differences between humans and all other animals, including, yes, even dogs!  But not now.
          Actually, I thought it would be interesting to venture into the middle of the computer’s world (yes – an anthropomorphism).  Specifically, numbers.  Could we create a series of numbers – digits – that are uniquely human?  Just a thought experiment I was trying out.  It’s not very easy, but I’d like to try it out on you.
          OK, my first line of thinking was to consider that computers could generate two types of number sequences.  One is some kind of a pattern calculated by some equation, either simple or complex.  The other would be a random number sequence.  Actually, generating a random number sequence turns out to be more complicated than it might first seem, probably because it seems so simple for us humans to do it[1].  But anyway, I thought “all I need to do now is come up with a sequence of numbers that is neither a pattern related to an equation or a random series, and then I will have something that is uniquely human.”  That seemed pretty cool.  But then I thought about the digits of pi – never repeating, but certainly not random.  I know it can be calculated, so it kind of fits into the first category.  But, anyway, I realized that a uniquely human series of digits would be pretty hard to come by. 
          Well, I had an idea that I’d like to try out.  I think I figured out a series of digits that fits the criteria of uniquely human.  I’m going to show you six series of digits, twenty digits each, and one of the six series I claim is uniquely humanCan you figure out which one it is?

Turing Test Number Series – each containing 20 digits 0-9
One way to think of this is to ask “can you figure out digit #20 (in red) based on the first 19 digits you are given?”

A.  34123034323639550691

B.  12345678901234567890

C.  98832863158718824883

D.  14916253649648110012

E.  71828182845904523536

F.  04656464621583251630

Also, try to figure out how you would generate a circuit or a computer program to generate each of these series of numbers.

I will give the “answer” and my thoughts about it in the next entry so that you have to think about this first. 



It’s not a huge hint, but maybe this will help:  three of the series are patterns, two are random number sequences, and one is what I consider uniquely human.


[1] I know, I know – can humans really be random?  Can they really generate a series of random numbers?  Surely a topic for the future!