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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Put Your Ideas to the Test - #8 – The Ultimate Miracle…or not!

We’ve been considering how it might be possible to do an “experiment” to expose whether God exists or not.  As we have discussed, it’s a lot more complicated than just saying “God:  make yourself obvious.”  What would be great is if we could summon a supernatural event whenever we wanted to assure and reassure ourselves that there is more to this universe than the natural world.  If every person in every time period in history had the opportunity to instantly, at their fingertips, experience a supernatural event, that would seem to solve the whole issue, wouldn’t it?  If we could summon evidence of the supernatural from wherever we might happen to be at any time of the day or night, that would be the perfect characteristic of evidence for the supernatural.  We would never have to doubt it.
Well, in my opinion, we already have exactly what I just described!  We have an event that demonstrates the supernatural, and we can summon it at will – literally.  I am talking about…free will.  As I have discussed previously, I consider free will to be evidence of the supernatural – the supernatural in us [see here].  And free will, of course, is always with us and always at our beck and call.  We can get up, go out our front door, walk to the sidewalk, and decide to go north, south, east or west – free will.  Or we can decide to go back in the house – free will.  Or we can decide a million other things – free will!  We can decide to do today something that we have never done before, something we have never even thought about before.  And we can do that whenever we want.  It is an experience that is common to every single person who has ever lived.
          To me, the human will is the most obvious part of our existence.  We observe it and feel it every moment of every day.  Therefore I suggest that free will is the answer to those who ask to see a miracle.  The spiritual world is on display every time we make a decision out of our own free will.  We want God to show himself to us every day and well, why isn’t free will the obvious, daily miracle we seek? 

          Almost all of you will say that my proposal is silly.  But why?  If free will is not enough to at least convince us of a world beyond the natural, then what possibly could?

I don’t want to belabor this point too much because I know it’s pretty much a dead end discussion.  Half of you will say “free will is an illusion, so your whole argument is baseless” and the other half will say “we’ll eventually be able to understand free will in a purely naturalistic sense – there is no supernatural component to it – it’s as natural as eating.”  There’s not much I can say against either one of those arguments – especially the latter [although I have tried!] [...and tried again].  As a result, I’ll leave it alone.  We won’t be using free will in a direct way to validate the supernatural, despite how great I think it is.  But, at the very least, please be honest and recognize that it does illustrate how nearly impossible it would be to come up with some means by which we could experience a “miracle” whenever we wished.  Our view of the world around us just won’t allow for it.  I mean, can you think of some kind of evidence that would be better than free will?

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