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Saturday, October 1, 2016

Put Your Ideas to the Test - #14 - Test Tubes

          Time to pull out the test tubes!

In the next few entries, I’m about to go down another path with respect to the “experiments with God” that we have been discussing.  I hate it when people don’t tell me where they are going first.  If you want me to go with you, I want to know where I’m going to end up.  So, I’m going to tell you in this entry; then we will get into the details in the future. 

I will state this as simply and as clearly as I can, and I will state it as something “I” want.  But recognize that this is also something I am hoping some of you will personalize to your own situation.

I want to find out if Jesus Christ is still alive and still active in people’s lives, as we have discussed before <here>.  I want to see some physical, tangible evidence of his work in my own life.  I am being a bit selfish here in the sense that I’m not really worried about anyone else.  I want evidence that is sufficient and fully-convincing for me personally.  Whatever Jesus may have done in the past for others is not enough – I want my own personal audience.  But, as such, I’m also not looking for a second “rising from the dead” or “feeding of the 5000”.  I just want something that is fully convincing to me.  And though I don’t believe it will ever happen, I’m ready to follow this Jesus if he comes through.

I recognize that I can’t tell Jesus what to do.  I can’t just dream up something and say “do this” and expect him to do it.  If Jesus really is there, then he surely isn’t so weak as to be constrained to do what I tell him to do.

But, on the other hand, I am looking for evidence of the type of Jesus/God who really does want me to believe.  So, ultimately it comes down to this:  if I can’t tell God what to do, then he’s going to have to tell me what he is going to do.

          Can Jesus talk to us?  Does Jesus talk to us?  Well, if he is there and he wants me to believe…and he is all-powerful…then surely he can figure out how to talk to me, can’t he?  But how would that happen?  Does he tell me in a dream?  Does he appear in front of me in a vision and say something audible?  Does he show up next to me as I’m walking along the road, and start talking? 

          Actually, in the broad range of Christian experience, all of these things have been reported to have happened, and much more.  And I, personally, don’t discount that they could still happen.  But I’m not sure these things do it for me.  God speaking in a dream?  Dreams are random – they’re just neurons firing when they have nothing else to do.  God speaking in an audible voice?  Sounds like hallucinations.  Drugs, maybe.  God showing up next to me?  Sounds creepy.  I met a guy at the bus station once who told me that he was the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  I just laughed.  I didn’t stick around to find out if he had any heavenly guidance for me!

          I am going to look for God to make clear to me something that he is going to do; and then ask him to do it.  The process of God “making it clear” is not necessarily going to be anything miraculous in and of itself.  The miraculous evidence will be when I ask God to do what he made clear, and he does it.  But he and I both have to agree that whatever that thing is, it is of sufficient evidence that I will believe and will believe wholeheartedly and will “live my life on his terms” <see earlier discussion of this point>.

          How will God make it clear?  I’m going to suggest three things, in order of importance and usefulness.  Then we will have to dig deeper into these three things in future entries.  The three things are:  1) the Bible as a foundation, 2) my mind, and 3) circumstances.  I am going to suggest that through these three things, God can make clear to me what he wants to do to prove himself to me.  Then I am going to ask him to do it and wait and see what happens.

          I have to just make one caveat here.  First, if this happens, it’s only going to happen once.  By that I mean that if you say “God, if you do this I’ll believe in you for the rest of my life”, and then you renege on the “rest of my life” part, you shouldn’t expect that you’ll get another (and another, and…) chance.  Therefore, if God has already made himself clear to you, then you’ve got what you’re going to get.[1]  Well…except I know from personal experience that God can give you a second chance…he’s allowed.  The point is, if you’re coming back a second time, you better be ready to duck! 

          Well, that’s where I’m going.  Want to come?

[1] It would also be reasonable for God to say “I already rose from the dead once – why isn’t that enough?”  However, we’re just hoping that God will go easy on us since we weren’t there to see it.

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