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Saturday, March 17, 2018

Lunches with Lucas – Session V

“So – did you think about it?” Lucas queried as I sat down at the table, completely dispensing with any pleasantries.

“I had a great week – how about you?” I said, ignoring him.  “At the very least you should be considerate enough to give me time to look at the menu” I said with a smile.

“Hah!  Neither one of us has looked at the menu in years!” Lucas said.  “Do they even have a menu?”

“Well, anyway, I wasn’t aware that I had homework from my good friend and lunch partner.  If I wanted homework, I’d go back to school,” I said.  “What was it I was supposed to do this time?”

“I know you haven’t forgotten!  I asked you to consider changing your view of the world from “there are no such things as miracles” to “miracles are extremely unlikely but can’t be ruled out,”” Lucas said. 

I was hoping he would have moved on from that topic.  So I ignored his challenge and went straight to what I knew he was trying to get at.  “Like I said before – that’s God’s problem.  If he wants me to believe, then bring it on – let’s see it!”

Lucas shrunk back a bit and I was surprised by the intensity of his expression.  “Oooh.  I’m not sure I would say that” he said with a serious expression.  But he continued “Fine – let me try an analogy out on you.”

“OK – go ahead – this ought to be interesting,” I said.

“Let’s say you go to the doctor and he tells you that you have cancer.  Whose problem is that?” Lucas asked, but didn’t wait for me to respond.  “Using your line of reasoning, you would say it is the “doctor’s problem.”  And sure, you may be relying on the doctor to come up with a cure for you, so in some sense it is the ‘doctor’s problem.’  But the fundamental problem is yours – you are the one who has cancer!” Lucas said, emphasizing the word “yours.”

“OK – yes – I understand what you are saying,” I granted him, as our drinks arrived at the table.  “But your analogy breaks down on many levels.”

“Well, it is just an analogy, but let’s hear it,” Lucas challenged.

“First of all, I’m not the one with the problem.  God has the problem – apparently – because he wants me to believe in him for some reason.  I personally don’t care if he believes in me – so that’s why I say it’s his problem.”

“You don’t think you have a problem??” Lucas asked with a bit of incredulity.

“Oh, I have plenty of problems – like that fact that my good friend Lucas wants me to believe in old fairy tales about miracles – but I’m not expecting God to solve them,” I said.

“Who’s going to solve your problems?”

“Hah hah!  Not you obviously,” I said.  “I’m going to solve my own problems – or at least I’m going to keep trying.  I’m just like everyone else.  We’re all in the same boat – including you – we are all responsible for solving our own problems.  If I wait for some mysterious deity to solve my problems, I’ll be waiting for a long time and my problems will just get worse.”

“I agree with you that everyone is responsible for themselves.  But there are some problems that we can’t solve ourselves – we need help.  I know you’re not a hermit – you need other people too.”  Then Lucas smiled, “like me – you couldn’t have such a stimulating lunch conversation on your own!”

“Eating a nice quiet lunch?  Doesn’t sound too bad,” I said, pretending to mull it over.  “And yes, I may need other people to help me, but it is my responsibility to go and ask for their help.”

“Well…you need someone to love you – that’s a basic need. And that requires another person to do something that you can’t control,” challenged Lucas.  “You can’t just go and ask them to love you.”

“Sounds like you’re getting into song lyrics,” I said, not wanting to give in, but feeling like this wasn’t really going the direction I wanted to take it.  “Anyway, that’s not the only problem with your analogy.  In fact, the biggest problem is that a doctor is not like your all-knowing God that you say exists.  Your analogy breaks down because any doctor, no matter how good they are and no matter what they think about themselves, they are not all-knowing,” I said.

Lucas smiled and I knew he was about to make some joke, but he didn’t.  “Go on,” he said.

“Well, the God you believe in apparently knows everything – right?  And if he knows everything, then I shouldn’t have to go to him to find out I have cancer.  He already knows I have cancer.  He should come and find me and just take care of it.  It would be a pretty mean God if he knows that I have cancer and doesn’t do something about it and just leaves me to die of it,” I said.

“That’s a great line of reasoning.  In that case, God should just keep you from getting cancer in the first place,” Lucas said.

“Sounds good to me,” I exclaimed.

“But obviously God doesn’t do that.  There is cancer.”  Lucas said.

Seemed like Lucas was setting his own trap.  “Thus proving that your God does not exist,” I exclaimed.

“No – your God does not exist.  The God I believe in obviously doesn’t act the way you think he does.”

“What do you mean by that?” I asked.

“Well, you’re describing a God who is willing to force his way into people’s lives and take care of everything.  Obviously, no such God exists because there are plenty of things that are not “taken care of” in this world, including cancer.  However, one of the key characteristics of the God that Christians believe in is that he doesn’t force people to believe.  In fact, he waits for an invitation.”

“Hmmph.  That seems too convenient.  You get to pick whatever characteristics you want to ascribe to your God so that he can’t be discovered.”  That always bothered me.

“I didn’t pick those characteristics.  It’s fundamental to my beliefs.  In fact there are number of passages in the Bible that describe this very characteristic of God.  For example, Jesus said “I stand at the door and knock” and he waits to be let in. That perfectly illustrates my point.  God waits to be invited in.”

“Sounds weak to me,” I exclaimed.

“God is certainly strong enough to break down the door and come storming in.  But he chooses to wait for an invitation.  You can call that weak if you want.   I say that it sometimes requires more strength to exercise such restraint than it does just to barge on in,” Lucas said.

“OK – fine.  But that still doesn’t explain how it is reasonable for God, knowing I have cancer, not to even tell me,” I said, trying to get back to my main point.

“Actually God thinks – knows – that every human being has a problem much worse than cancer.  And he tries to tell you all, but you won’t listen.  The thing God does not do is keep yelling until you do listen.  If you want to listen, he’s there.  If you don’t want to listen, then, as I said at the beginning, that’s your problem.  He will not force himself.  It is beneath God to have to grovel to human beings.”

“OK.  I’ll listen.”  I paused for a mock dramatic moment of silence.  “I don’t hear anything.”

“Now we are finally getting somewhere!” Lucas said excitedly, surprising me a bit.  “That is exactly the point I’m trying to get you to see.  The first step in listening is for you to allow some crack in your “no miracles, no supernatural” view of the world.  You don’t hear anything because you’ve covered your ears.  Figuratively, I mean,” Lucas injected as I waved my hands away from my head showing my ears were, indeed open.  “You don’t really allow yourself to hear anything supernatural.  As long as you reject all means that God might use to get your attention, then he has no means of talking to you.  If he is not willing to force you to believe – and I believe he does not force anyone – then the next move is yours.”

It still seemed to me that this was all God’s problem.  But Lucas’ line of reasoning seemed reasonable on the face of it.  It all seemed like kind of a cosmic Catch 22.  I was going to have to think about it.

Lucas could see I was waffling a bit.  “Think about your relationship with your wife.  Can you force her to love you?”

“No – certainly not.”

“And even if you could force her to love you, what kind of love would that be?  God wants a relationship with each one of us.  But he wants a willing relationship.  Sure he could force us to do whatever he wants…but what kind of a relationship is that?  If God forces us to believe in him, what kind of belief is that?” Lucas asked.

“I see your point…” I said, still trying to think this thing through.  “…still seems highly convenient that God wiggles out of the blame.”

“I know you would like to be able to blame God for your unbelief but you really can't.  In fact, the reality is you don't really want a God that you could blame for your unbelief.  Such a God would be a controlling ogre,” Lucas said.  Then he continued, “How about if I just ask you to make this one change:  stop saying that it is God’s fault you don’t believe and start accepting some of the blame yourself.”

“Ouch.  Sounds harsh,” I said.

Lucas relaxed a bit and his face softened.  “Yeah, I’m sorry, it is a bit harsh.”  He paused for a moment.  “I think it’s time to eat.”

The corned beef arrived at the perfect time, as far as I was concerned.  Too much to take into consideration.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Construction Toys and the Universe

          I’ve always loved to construct things.  I had some Tinker Toys and Lincoln Logs to build with when I was really little.  Lincoln Logs are fun, but there is not much you can build with notched logs other than a building of some sort.  Tinker Toys allow for more creativity.  But still – there are just some round hubs and some struts of different colors – after a while, you tire of them a bit.  After you’ve built the biggest tower you can make, then what?
          I’m not sure when I got my first Lego kit, but it must have been around grade school time.  The basic brick, though, isn’t much more useful than a Lincoln Log – it still is pretty much for buildings.  What really excited me about Legos was that they had gears.  Gears were, to me, the greatest things ever.  They are kind of magical.  You move one gear and that can cause a whole bunch of gears to move.  You can slow things down or speed things up.  There was nothing more exciting to me than a gear.  Well, that is, until I got my first motor!  Motors are even better.  You plug them in and they generate movement all by themselves!  No more need to crank things.  You can put together a creation, turn the motor on, and watch the whole thing come to life.  The excitement of creating something that can do “something on its own” still fascinates me to this day.  If I could build these things all day, I would.
          There was a great toy store in the town where I grew up that I loved to visit.  I would immediately go to the “construction toy” and “science toy” section.  On one such visit when I was in Junior High, I came across the greatest construction toy ever.  It was the ultimate – the Holy Grail of construction toys – and I immediately became obsessed with them.  These were the Fischertechnik kits.  Most kids in the U.S. have never heard of them probably.  They are made in Germany – in fact all of the instructions were in German for most of the kits.  But they are superior in every way to Legos – especially if you really like gears and motors and robotics.  They are superior…and more expensive…which was a problem.  I think my parents must have bought me one of the basic kits as a gift.  Here is the first kit I got: http://www.fischertechnik-museum.ch/museum/displayimage.php?album=3&pos=21.  Gears.  Pulleys.  Wheels.  They are interesting because it takes a little bit of learning to get the hang of how to assemble them together.  They are inherently three dimensional, unlike Legos which are inherently two dimensional.  They interlock in a manner that is solid (also unlike Legos, which always fall apart).  And the basic block looks just as boring as the basic Lego block:  a plastic rectangle with a knob on one end. 
          Once I got the hang of putting the Fischertechnik parts together and could build all of the example models in the first book, I was totally hooked.  I spent my time outside of school either trying to create new things with the parts I had, or else staring – meditating – at the back pages of the instruction booklet where it pictured all of the other kits available.  Whenever I worked mowing lawns or did other odd jobs, I spent that time calculating which kits I could buy with the money I was going to make.  Eventually I worked my way to getting the Hobby 3 kit (http://www.fischertechnik-museum.ch/museum/displayimage.php?album=13&pos=3 ), but I could never save enough money to get the famous (to me) Hobby 4 kit (http://www.fischertechnik-museum.ch/museum/displayimage.php?album=13&pos=4 )...something I surely dreamed about while in high school.  Oddly enough, I still don’t have that kit, though it does occasionally show up on ebay.
          One thing that made Fischertechnik kits so fascinating for me was the ability to bring motion into the things you constructed.  Motors of different kinds.  Then sensors.  Gears of all different styles – worm gears, gear track, planetary gears, conveyor belts…great stuff as far as I was concerned.  I’m old now, but I still have these kits.  Some days I think I’m more of a collector of these kits than someone who actually uses them.  Just don’t have time to “play” with them anymore.
          Because of my fascination with these types of kits, I began evaluating what made a “great” construction toy design.  One of my personal criteria is that a really well-designed construction toy should only require a limited number of parts.  What I mean is that you should be able to create other things by assembling the basic components together into a new component.  This is hard to do, and also very much against what the marketing arm of any company would suggest!  Thus, for example, most new Lego kits are themed and each kit is composed of many new and often unique parts in order to create, for example, a castle or a Star Wars scene or an excavator.  The fact that you have to have unique parts to create new things seems like somewhat of a “failure” to me.  If you had really well-designed basic parts, you should be able to create anything, right?  One construction toy that seems to follow this principle pretty well are K’nex.  Those toys came along when I was in college (and perpetually broke) so I never played with them until my kids had some.  But they tend to have a limited set of parts – connectors and rods of different lengths – that are used to make a lot of interesting things. 
          What’s the point of this bit of rambling?  It is just to think about the ultimate construction toy, and it meets my “limited number of parts” criteria in spades.  I’m talking about matter.  What are the parts you need?  There are only three:  electrons, protons, and neutrons.[1]  I find that incredibly fascinating.  If you’ve read anything on this blog, you know that I am a supernaturalist, so obviously I attribute the creative genius behind this “construction toy” to God.  But even if you are a complete naturalist, you can surely appreciate that, despite the incredible complexity and diversity in nature and in the universe, it can all be constructed with these three parts.  However, just for a second, imagine God, sitting at a big desk, getting ready to create the universe.  Personally, I kind of imagine it in the form of a Far Side cartoon.  God reaches over to his cabinet in which all of his parts are stored and – guess what? – the cabinet has only three big drawers labelled “electrons”, “protons”, and “neutrons!!”  I find that funny and amazing and completely fascinating all at once!  As a Far Side cartoon, I can just imagine the cartoon including God’s wife off to the side saying “Be careful with that – remember what happened last time when you starting pushing neutrons into that uranium molecule you made!” 
          As a supernaturalist, I believe there is at least one more part required to turn those three components into living things, and maybe at least one more part further still to turn those components into human beings, but that is for another story.  I just think it would be a lot of fun to sit down at a table and start assembling three little pieces into anything anyone could imagine.  That would be the greatest!

[1] I’m ignoring quantum physics here.  And why shouldn’t I?  Why should I listen to people who don’t know how to comb their hair and who can’t come up with better names for things than “quark” and “charm”???