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Monday, November 16, 2015

Free Will #3 Turing Test with Numbers - Part II

“Turing Test with Numbers – Part II”

Note: You should read Free Will #2 before you read this!

          In my previous entry, I proposed the following test to illustrate something uniquely human that computers cannot do (and I suggest, will never be able to do).  I wondered if it would be possible to create a series of numbers – digits – that are uniquely human?  I came up with a series that I thought might fit the bill.  I listed six series of digits, twenty digits each series, and one of the six series I claim is uniquely humanCould you figure it out?

Here are the number series:

A.  34123034323639550691

B.  12345678901234567890

C.  98832863158718824883

D.  14916253649648110012

E.  71828182845904523536

F.  04656464621583251630

          What’s the answer?  Well, first let’s eliminate the two easy ones:

B – That just the digits 0-9 in order, starting with 1.  If you struggled with that one, then you really are human!!

          Before I go on to the rest, did you try “googling” these number series?  I’m assuming that most advanced computers would do just that.  The amount of information you might gain is astounding and, at least to some extent, quite decipherable by a computer with an intelligently (i.e. by a human!) programmed algorithm.  Well, if you did google these, you’d find the following (at least this is what I found…of course if this blog gets indexed, then when you search, you might find this blog and be able to go directly to the answer.  This is a major problem that I discuss later in this entry.):

A.  No match found for this number.

B.  Lots of hits.  Not sure that this would be helpful to a computer or a human.  But again, this one was really obvious.  If you can’t pick out this pattern, what pattern can you pick out?  Again, the inability to identify this one would certainly be uniquely human.

C.  Google identified this as a possible Fedex package tracking number.  It is not.  Looks like no real matches were found.

D.  I found one matching page when I searched this.  That’s hard to do.  I remember there used to be a game where you tried to come up with a term that only matched on a single page.  The problem is that as soon as you post it, it is no longer on just one page!  Anyway, if you could read Japanese…or was it Chinese (?) … it might have helped you.  But again, this should have been a pretty simple series (like B).

E.  Of all the entries, googling this one should have provided some help in figuring it out.  This is one you either know immediately because you are a real math geek, or you would have a really hard time figuring it out without the assistance of google (or a friendly math geek to ask).

F.  No entries found.

          OK, what do we learn?

D.  Maybe not quite as easy as B, but this one would have been simple for any computer, and I think if you thought about it for a bit, you would get it.  1, 4, 9, 16, 25…it’s just the square of the digits starting with 1.  And, since these series only have 20 digits, the square of 11 is truncated in this series.  I wonder if that would throw off a computer?  Probably not.

E.  Well, maybe google helped you out here.  Or maybe you took the hint from the body of my previous entry when I talked about pi.  Now do you know it?  These are the first twenty decimal digits of the value of “e”.  If you don’t know what e is, don’t worry about it – you probably learned about it in algebra, but you have long forgotten.  Computers don’t forget.  I think this would be easy for a computer to identify.  If you are a real math geek, and decided that memorizing the digits of pi was too blasé, then you probably memorized this sometime in your past and you picked it up faster than even the computer could!  As for me, my memory never allowed me to memorize pi or e.  I would never have figured it out without google (except, of course, that I made up the test so I already knew).

          This leaves A, C, and F.  Google wasn’t much help for any of these, except that C happens to start with digits that must look like a FedEx number.  Are FedEx numbers random?  They must not be.
          I told you that two of the series are random, so you know that two of A, C, and F are random and the remaining one must be the “uniquely human” series.  Oddly, I will tell you that one of the random number sequences was taken directly from a random number table published on some website, so I was expecting that google would find it, but when I searched for those 20 digits, it did not come up.  There are probably more sophisticated searches that would find it.  For the other random number series, I just used a random number generator and came up with one number at a time and wrote it down, so that particular series would not necessarily be anywhere on the internet.  I couldn’t find it.  But you kind of wonder – at some point in the future, will every random series of 20 digits be on the internet and identified as being random?  Maybe – it’s feasible.
          You might be tempted to say that since C might be a FedEx package number, that would qualify as the “uniquely human” number.  Well, FedEx has nothing to do with it being right, but you would have a lucky guess.  Being lucky might also be uniquely human!  But, for the record, A and F are random number sequences, and unless I accidentally hit the one-in-whatever-astronomical-odds lottery, it has no pattern that could be identified by either man or computer.  They are both random. 

          So, that leaves C:  98832863158718824883

          C has a human pattern that requires creative thinking to understand.  Actually, for some of you, if I just tell you to “think outside the box”, you might get it rather quickly.  Can a computer think creatively?  If, by “creative thinking”, we mean the idea of coming up with a thought that has never been thought before, or a linkage that has never been made before, then I suggest that computers can’t do that.  I think computers could be programmed to “think outside the box”, as long as some intelligent person programs them to do so, but in that case computers would just be thinking in some bigger box.  I think computers cannot think truly creatively, and I also think that humans can.  Many of you would disagree with me on both counts!

          OK, I guess I have to tell you what C is.  I hate to do it, because doing so will completely void this version of the “Turing Number Test”.  That’s the problem – once the answer is known, then it is no longer uniquely human because of two things:  1) it’s now searchable on google; and 2) it’s now known by any number of programmers, who can easily modify any computer to “think” this way and recognize what C is.

          C is a sentence.  It is the sentence “Neat test of a sweet feat” with no punctuation.  It just uses the first letter of each digit when it is spelled out.  So, the digit “9”, spelled “nine”, is equivalent to the letter “n”.  I then took the further step of saying that if the pronunciation of a letter made the sound of a different letter, then that digit could also stand for the pronounced letter.  Thus, the digit “8” can be “e” (for “eight”) or it can be “a” because it is pronounced starting with the “a” sound (in English).  The digit “1” can therefore be “o” or “w”.  Anyway, if you work all that out, picking the letter associated with each digit as it makes sense, you get “NEATTESTOFASWEETFEAT”.  Actually, the last word is ambiguous, because it could also be “feet”.  But, in the context of the sentence and the test, would that makes sense???  Not to a human, I wouldn’t think.

          So, there you have it.  I don’t think a computer, told to evaluate a number sequence for a pattern (or lack of pattern in the case of a random number) would be able to identify series C as anything but random, whereas a human being can.  Would all humans figure this one out?  No.  And that doesn’t make them non-human.  My proposition is this:  if the entity you are communicating with can identify sequence C as a sentence, then the entity you are dealing with is human.  I would probably further propose that if the entity you are communicating with can’t identify sequence B as a pattern, then the entity you are communicating with is human.  You can’t use this test to confirm a computer, but you can’t use it to deny a computer.  I believe any human could pretend to be a computer, so just stating that C is a random number sequence doesn’t mean you are a computer.  But the point of the Turing Test concept is for a computer to fool a human into thinking it is human.  If a computer figured it out, then that would destroy my proposition, or at least destroy my version of this test.

          This type of thinking is largely what the MENSA testing evaluates.  Creativity.  How is it possible for computers to be truly creative?  I know that a computer could generate art or music and could, in a sense, generate a piece of art that would be unique in the sense that there would be no existing artwork exactly like it.  The same could be said of a two-year old human.  But a computer will generate art that is within a framework of rules and concepts, all introduced by a human.  Can a computer think up a new concept that has never been thought of before?  Can a computer, given knowledge of number sequences, decide to consider the starting letter and sound of the written digits to generate a puzzle?  Well, yes, of course if the human who programmed it gives it that ability.  Or gives it the ability to learn and find examples where humans have done just that sort of thing.  But I don’t consider that the same as original creativity.

You might argue that the first human who thought of the idea of using the first letters of the words of the digits to create a puzzle just based it on some of their past experience, and thus would not be that different from a computer, who would have learned it from the past experience of other humans.  But doesn’t that line of thinking assume then that the idea has always been around since the beginning of time?  Where?  Encoded in what or who?  I guess you would argue that it is an extension of previous things – so the idea itself has not always existed, but it was an extension of previous concepts (such as “thinking out of the box”) that previously existed – those things themselves being extensions of previous thoughts – back to some simple and obvious basic thought that started it all.  To me, that doesn’t solve the problem, it just makes it seem simpler – but if you start with no ideas, then the first idea, no matter how simple, is a huge step change in thinking.  To come up with the first “idea” is true creativity! 

All I can tell you is that somewhere back in history, a human being was the first to think “I could scratch a picture into a rock face, and thus record my experiences for the future.”  That is the ultimate in creativity, in my opinion.  The idea of writing, having never had any concept of writing before, is just mind-boggling.  And, to give you a taste of where I intend to go with this line of thinking:  I consider human creativity to be an “uncaused cause”, which makes them a true act of original creation!  But that is a discussion for the future.

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