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Thursday, December 31, 2015

Put Your Ideas to the Test - #1

          I do not know enough philosophy to know how to label ideas and concepts properly.  I’m much more interested in testing ideas than labeling them.  I love science and I like to learn new things, but I’m not all that excited to discover more knowledge for the sake of knowledge.  I am, at heart, very practical.  Thus I think that if there is any term that describes my way of thinking it is this: “an engineer”.  I don’t suppose “engineering” can be considered a philosophy, but for me, it is about as close to a description of my way of thinking as I can get.  I think things through to decide what I should do today.  I want a practical outcome from my thoughts.  I’ll bet you won’t even find the word “engineer” or “engineering” in any textbook on philosophy.  Well, that’s a shame in my opinion!

          In light of that, I thought that today I would give you what I imagine as the first chapter of a book about “testing the non-material world” that I would love to write.  Someday...  I’m guessing it’ll more likely show up as pieces in this blog over time.  But, without further ado…here is Chapter 1.

Chapter 1 – Open Your Mind to Experimentation[1]

          What if you were standing before those proverbial pearly gates and you find yourself presented with…not one, not two, but three identical pearly gates.  As you contemplate your next move, a voice from above says “Behind one of those gates is everything you could wish for.  Choose it, and it is yours.  But be careful – behind the other two gates is darkness and pain!”
          Well, after some significant consternation, during which time you think to yourself that “this is certainly not how I heard it would be”, you realize you need to make a choice.  Each gate is identical.  There is nothing to give you any further information.  So, you say to yourself “it’s a one in three chance” and you point to the middle gate.
          Now the voice from above says “You have selected the middle gate.  Let me show you what is behind the gate on the right.”  The right gate opens and inside you see that it is, indeed, dark and frightening.  You look away, thankful you didn’t pick that one.

          Then the voice asks you a question you didn’t expect.  “Would you like to change your pick?  Would you like to switch to the left gate instead of the middle gate?” 

          After you think again “this is definitely not how I heard it would be”, you consider whether you can read anything into this option.  Is the voice “good” and trying to get you to change, knowing that you’ve picked the wrong gate?  Or is the voice trying to trick you into changing your pick, knowing you’ve picked the correct gate?  After some consternation, you realize that there is nothing in what the voice has told you to give you any clue.  Fundamentally, you are on your own here, with nothing to aid you in making a decision except the pure odds of the selection.  So now you are kind of back where you were at the start, except that now the odds are a little better.  There are just two gates now.  This is nerve racking.
          So you ponder…what’s the point of switching your choice?  You have no idea which gate is which, so why change?  Your odds are 50:50 either way, so you say “I’ll stick with the middle gate.”
          Not good.  What if I told you that you just make a huge mistake?  What if I told you that your odds were not 50:50?  What if I told you that you were twice as likely to choose the correct gate by switching your choice?
          You may say “Obviously the odds are 50:50, and it makes no difference which gate I pick.  There are two gates – one with the prize and one without – so how can the odds be anything other than 50:50?  Only an idiot would think otherwise!”[2] 

That’s exactly what I said the first time I heard this problem.  I was convinced that it makes no difference whether you change your selection or not.   How could it possibly be any other way?

          At this point in your reading of this Introduction, you can do one of two things.  You can say to yourself “I know statistics – I’m not an idiot.  This is a simple probability problem.  It is what it is.” And you can close this book and not think about it again.
          Alternatively you could, maybe out of a certain amount of indignation or just simple curiosity, say “let’s try it and see.”

          Which group are you in?  This book is written for those who are willing to try it and see, no matter how strongly they are convinced that the odds are 50:50.  When someone who seems to be sincere and reasonable makes the claim that I have made – the claim that you are actually twice as likely to choose the right gate if you change your original selection – you are willing to put it to the test.  You’re convinced that the outcome will show that the odds are 50:50.  You’d put money on it.  But you’re still willing to try it out.  This book is for you.

          Of course, this book is not about selecting the right gate.  It’s not about statistics.  I have no interest in trying to mislead you about my purposes.  Here is what I’m hoping to accomplish with this book:  I’m hoping that some of you – those who have totally rejected the claims of any and all non-materialist viewpoints – will be willing to put your claims to the test.  And I don’t mean a mental exercise.  I don’t mean arguing logic.  I mean really put them to the test.  I’m talking about conducting an experiment.  By the end of this book, here is my goal:  that you will have designed your own experiment to test a variety of spiritual beliefs, and that you will be ready to start conducting that experiment.

          So, if you are in the first group – if you know already that no amount of evidence could ever convince you otherwise regarding any other view of reality than the one you have now – well, you ought to put this down and read another book.  Go read some good fiction!  This book is not for you.

          If you’re still reading, then don’t say I didn’t tell you up front!

          And what about the problem with the gates?  Well – try it.  Do an experiment.  It’s easy enough to do.  Get a friend to help you.  Get three cards – say an ace of spades and the two red deuces.  It would be helpful if you got a piece of wood with a slot in it so that you could set the cards upright.  Then you sit on one side of the cards with the cards facing away from you, and have your friend sit on the other side.  Have him place the three cards in random order in the slots.  You pick one.  Then, have your friend remove one of the two remaining cards – but never removing the ace of spades.  Then, keep your original choice and write down whether you selected the ace of spades or not.  Do this 100 times.  Then, change your strategy and always change your mind after the first card is removed.  Write down whether you selected the ace of spades in this scenario.  Do this one 100 times.  Compare the results.  Do you win about twice as often with the second scenario – when you change your mind – than you do with the first?  If so, you might still be unconvinced.  Too small of a sample you will say.  Well, that is easy to remedy.  Repeat the test, only do it 1,000 times.  Or 10,000.  Whatever it takes.  At some point the evidence will become overwhelming to you.  It is at that point that you might be willing to consider that the odds really are not 50:50.  At that point, you are ready to consider additional logical arguments.
          Why isn’t it 50:50?  If you haven’t tried it, go try it first.  Then you can read this paragraph.  Actually, I will simply talk you through this by describing experiments where the results may be more obvious to you.  Let me start with an extreme example and work backwards.  Let’s use the entire deck of 52 cards this time.  So let’s imagine a scenario where all 52 cards are spread out in front of you, facing away where you can only see the backs.  The goal is to pick the ace of spades.  So, you pick one of the 52 at random.  Then, your friend removes one of the remaining cards (but not the ace of spades) and you decide whether to change your original pick or not.  Now let’s change the game up just a bit.  Let’s say that your friend keeps removing one of the non-ace of spades after each round.  And let’s say that you stay with your original card while the other cards are being removed.  Finally, you get down to the very end where there are only two cards left.  Your friend has removed 50 cards, none of them the ace of spades.  Should you switch?  Consider this.  When you first picked the one card out of 52, what were the odds that it was the ace of spades?  It was 1 in 52.  Not very good at all.  What were the odds that the ace of spades was part of the remaining 51 cards that you didn’t select?  51 in 52.  Very good odds.  Do you see where this leaves you?  Think of it this way:  if, instead of stopping to ask you if you wanted to change your mind after each selection, your friend simply removed 50 of the remaining 51 cards after you made your first pick.  All 50 are known to be non-ace of spades (let’s assume you picked a trustworthy friend).  Now there is just one card remaining of the original 51.  What are the odds that the last remaining card is the ace of spades?  51:52.  And what are the odds that the card you originally picked is the ace of spades  1:52.  In fact, in this case, if you switched cards at the end, you would almost always win, and if you kept your original card, you would almost always lose. 
          If you can see that the situation with all 52 cards clearly and logically shows that you should change your selection at the end, then let’s work backwards from that point.  What if the deck only had 10 cards?  Now there would be a 1:10 chance that your original choice was the ace of spades and a 9:10 chance that the remaining card is the ace of spades.  You’d win 9 times as often if you always changed your choice at the end.  Well, what if there are 4 cards?  Its 3:4 vs. 1:4, so you’re three times as likely.
          And that takes us back to where we started.  Three gates.  You select one.  The odds are 1:3 that you picked the right gate.  On that we can all agree.  And, the odds are 2:3 that the right gate is one of the two remaining.  The wrong gate is removed from those two.  So, the odds are 1:3 that you picked the right gate first, making the odds 2:3 that the remaining gate holds the prize.  And, therefore, you find that you are twice as likely to win if you change your mind.
          By the way, when people are presented with this situation in real life, they almost always keep their original choice.  “Go with your gut.”  “Your first inclination is often the best.”  Or, simply “it doesn’t matter – it’s 50:50 either way – so I’ll stick with my original choice.”  Isn’t that interesting?  I find it to be quite fascinating. 
I wonder if Monty Hall knew that? 

[1] I’m talking about “putting things to the test”, not “experimentation” as you might have used that term in the 60’s!
[2] If you heard this problem before, then you might have already been convinced that you should switch your choice.  But put yourself in the mindset you had the first time you heard this problem presented.

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